Testing rack middleware in a request spec


This may be a controversial thing, but I found it to be useful and difficult to research so I’m going to post about it. For the record, it’s probably ill-advised to test the effects of a middleware since presumably the middleware itself has bountiful tests (or maybe you should send in a PR!), but we wanted to TDD this and make sure that the middleware was really getting applied the way we thought it was.

Crux of the story: We have a border service which acts as API endpoint for everything, but also as the first line of defense. We escape all the user-provided code on output, but it would be nice if it was scrubbed before it even got into our safe-haven inside the firewall. When I talked to a couple security friends they said that the industry standard is just to escape, but if you have the means, scrubbing on the way in would be great.

For clarity, we’ll say escaping is the process of neutering tags by turning them into & representations them, while scrubbing is the process of removing tags and offensive properties entirely.

Testing middlewares

Testing middleware is a little weird, there’s some things you should know in order to begin. First off, Rack::Test (which you’re probably using for your request specs and not realizing it, get and post) doesn’t actually make real requests to a webserver. This probably shouldn’t shock you, but it is surprising. Capybara on the other hand, will hit a real server (in most cases?) but is also capable of using Rack::Test to skip that step.

Even if Capybara (visit) does his a real server, the server it boots often doesn’t use the config.ru. Possibly this is because the config.ru is sometimes used to represent just the production environment. We use config.ru for all environments because we use Pow.

So in order to get Rack::Test to see the config.ru you’ll have to manually load it like so:

# Ensure that the config.ru gets loaded before these tests
let(:app) {
  Rack::Builder.new do
    eval File.read(Rails.root.join('config.ru'))

Overriding app will let Rack::Test know where to send requests. Rack::Builder creates a new Rack app out of anything within the block, so you can do the eval or even use use or run to load up more middlewares or apps (Like Rack::Lobster!).

I’m running out of steam, the day is growing late, so I’ll just post the larger snippet. Here’s what it looked like in the test file (Rory is a little rack server we use internally):

RSpec.describe 'XSS sanitization', :type => :feature do
  class EchoController < ApplicationController
    def echo
      @response = [200, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}, [params.to_json]]

  # Ensure that the config.ru gets loaded before these tests
  let(:app) {
    Rack::Builder.new do
      eval File.read(Rory.root.join('config.ru'))

  before(:each) do
    Nemo::Application.routes << Rory::Route.new('/echo', :to => 'echo#echo')

  let(:body_hash) { JSON.parse(last_response.body) }

  it 'properly sanitizes obvious but naughty xss attacks' do
    post '/echo', { 'address' => '<script>obvious_post();</script>'}

    expect(body_hash['address']).to eq('obvious_post();')


This info came from another blog here: http://shift.mirego.com/post/68808986788/how-to-write-tests-for-rack-middleware

Just in case I’ll reproduce the code here:

# rack_date.rb
class Rack::Date
  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    status, headers, body = @app.call(env)
    headers.merge! 'Date' => Time.now.httpdate unless Time.now.month == 1
    [status, headers, body]

# rack_date_spec.rb
describe Rack::Date do
  let(:app) { proc{[200,{},['Hello, world.']]} }
  let(:stack) { Rack::Date.new(app) }
  let(:request) { Rack::MockRequest.new(stack) }

  before { Time.stub(:now).and_return(time) }

  describe 'Date header' do
    let(:response) { request.get('/') }

    context 'when month is January' do
      let(:time) { Time.parse('January 19, 2014 00:00:00') }
      it { expect(response.headers['Date']).to be_nil }

    context 'when month is not January' do
      let(:time) { Time.parse('November 19, 2014 00:00:00') }
      it { expect(response.headers['Date']).to eql time.httpdate }